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为满足商务英语专业学生培养需求,推动学校国际化建设,四川旅游学院现对外公开招聘外籍英语教师1名,具体事项如下: 一、招聘条件 1.国籍:美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、新加坡等母语为英语的国家。 2.年龄:不超过60周岁。 3.学历:大学本科及以上。 4.资历:有教学经验或持英语教学证书(如TEFL/TESOL)或有国际商务背景者优先考虑。 二、工作内容 1.从事商务英语专业课程或其它英语课程教学工作。 2.参与学校外语类第二课堂活动。 三、福利待遇 薪资待遇:电话或邮件咨询。 四、应聘文件 1.护照首页扫描件 2.简历 3.工作资历证明 4.最高学位扫描件 5.健康报告扫描件(6个月以内) 6.个人免冠证件照(白底) 7.无犯罪记录证明(居住地警署出具) 五、工作程序 1.有意者请于2023年7月31日前将以上应聘材料同时发送至四川旅游学院人事处(邮箱及外国语学院(邮箱,邮件标题注明:应聘某某岗位+本人姓名+今日招聘网。联系电话:028-84825046。 2.经学校初审合格后,将向应聘者发送面试通知。 3.面试合格后,将通知应聘者进行体检、考核。 4.体检、考核合格后,将进行拟聘人员公示。 5.公示结束后,应聘者需与学校签订工作合同,并按要求向学校提供办理工作手续和签证的相关文件。最高学位和无犯罪记录证明需经中国驻外使领馆认证。 6.来华手续齐备后,学校通知应聘者在规定时间来校报到。 四川旅游学院 2023年7月19日 Open Recruitment for Native English Teachers Sichuan Tourism University To meet the needs of Business English Program and accelerate internationalization, Sichuan Tourism University designs to hire one native English teachers. The requirements are as follows: I. Eligibility 1. Nationality: the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and other English-speaking countries 2. Age: under 60 3. Education: bachelor s Degree or above 4. Qualification: preferably with teaching experience or English teaching certificates such as TEFL/TESOL or a background in international business II. Job Descriptions 1. Engage in teaching Business English courses or other English courses. 2. Participate in extracurricular activities related to foreign languages. III. Salary and Benefits Please consult via phone or e-mail. IV. Required Documents 1. Scanned copy of passport s front page 2. R sum 3. Certificate for working experience 4. Scanned copy of the highest degree certificate 5. Scanned copy of health report (within six months) 6. Bareheaded ID photo (white background) 7. Police check (issued by local police station) V. Recruitment Process 1. If you are interested in this position, please send the above documents by Jul.31 to Human Resources Department( and Foreign Languages School(email:; Tel:028-84825046. 2. Candidates who have passed the preliminary review will be notified forinterview. 3. After passing the interview, candidates will be notified for medical examination and assessment. 4. After passing the physical examination and assessment, the public announcement of the proposed candidates will be made. 5. After the public announcement,candidates aregoingto sign an employment contract with the university, and provide necessary documents for relevant paperwork and visa application. Certificates for the highest degree and police check need to be authenticated by Chinese Embassies or Consulates abroad. 6. Once all procedures are performed, candidates will be notified for registration at the university. Sichuan Tourism University July 19, 2023 原文出处:


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